Yang’s Taichi Beginners Routine
- 預備勢 Preparation Posture
- 起勢 Starting Posture
- 攬雀尾 Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 提手上勢 Lift Hands and Step Up
- 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings
- 左摟膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 手揮琵琶 Play the Pipa
- 左右摟膝拗步 Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 手揮琵琶 Play the Pipa
- 左摟膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 進步搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 如封似閉 Apparent Closing
- 十字手 Cross Hands
- 抱虎歸山 Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
- 肘底看捶 Fist Under Elbow
- 左右倒攆猴 Left and Right Repulse Monkey
- 斜飛勢 Slanting Flying Posture
- 提手上勢 Raise Hands and Step Up
- 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings
- 轉身擺蓮 Turn Around Lotus Kick
- 彎弓射虎 Shoot Tiger with Bow
- 進步搬攔捶 Step up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 如封似閉 Apparent Closing
- 十字手 Cross Hands
- 收勢 Closing Posture
Yang’s Taichi 85 Forms Routine
- 預備勢 Preparation Posture
- 起勢 Starting Posture
- 攬雀尾 Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 提手上勢 Lift Hands and Step Up
- 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings
- 左摟膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 手揮琵琶 Play the Pipa
- 左右摟膝拗步 Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 手揮琵琶 Play the Pipa
- 左摟膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 進步搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 如封似閉 Apparent Closing
- 十字手 Cross Hands
- 抱虎歸山 Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
- 肘底看捶 Fist Under Elbow
- 左右倒攆猴 Left and Right Repulse Monkey
- 斜飛勢 Slanting Flying Posture
- 提手上勢 Raise Hands and Step Up
- 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings
- 左摟膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 海底針 Needle in the Sea
- 扇通背 Fan the Back
- 翻身撇身捶 Turn Around and Flip the Fist
- 進步搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 上步攔雀尾 Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 雲手 Wave Hands Like Clouds
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 高探馬 High Pat on Horse
- 左右分腳 Left and Right Toe Kicks
- 轉身左蹬腳 Turn and Kick with Left Heel
- 左右摟膝拗步 Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 進步栽捶 Step up and Punch Downward
- 翻身撇身捶 Turn Around and Flip the Fist
- 進步搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 右蹬腳 Kick with Right Heel
- 左打虎 Left Tame the Tiger
- 右打虎 Right Tame the Tiger
- 回身右蹬腳 Turn, Kicks with Right Heel
- 雙峰貫耳 Blast Opponent’s Ears with Both Fists
- 左蹬腳 Kicks with Left Heel
- 右轉身右蹬腳 Right Turn, Kick with Right Heel
- 進步搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 如封似閉 Apparent Closing
- 十字手 Cross Hands
- 抱虎歸山 Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
- 斜單鞭 Diagonal Single Whip
- 野馬分鬃 Wild Horses Part Mane
- 攬雀尾 Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 玉女穿梭 Fair Lady Works with Shuttles
- 攬雀尾 Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 雲手 Wave Hands Like Clouds
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 下勢 Low Posture
- 金雞獨立 Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg
- 左右倒攆猴 Left and Right Repulse Monkey
- 斜飛勢 Slanting Flying Posture
- 提手上勢 Lift Hands and Step Up
- 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings
- 左摟膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
- 海底針 Needle in Sea
- 扇通背 Fan the Back
- 轉身白蛇吐信 Turn Around, White Snake Spits Tongue
- 搬攔捶 Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 攬雀尾 Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 雲手 Wave Hands Like Clouds
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 高探馬帶穿掌 High Pat on Horse with Piecing the Palm
- 十字腿 Cross Kick
- 進步指襠捶 Step Up, Punch the Groin
- 上步攬雀尾 Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
- 單鞭 Single Whip
- 下勢 Low Posture
- 上步七星 Step Up, Seven Star Punch
- 退步跨虎 Step Back and Ride the Tiger
- 轉身擺蓮 Turn Around Lotus Kick
- 彎弓射虎 Shoot Tiger with Bow
- 進步搬攔捶 Step up, Parry, Block and Punch
- 如封似閉 Apparent Closing
- 十字手 Cross Hands
- 收勢 Closing Posture