Yang’s Taichi


Yang’s Taichi Beginners Routine

  1. 預備勢                        Preparation Posture
  2. 起勢                            Starting Posture
  3. 攬雀尾                        Grasp Bird’s Tail
  4. 單鞭                            Single Whip
  5. 提手上勢                     Lift Hands and Step Up
  6. 白鶴亮翅                     White Crane Spreads Wings
  7. 左摟膝拗步                 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
  8. 手揮琵琶                     Play the Pipa
  9. 左右摟膝拗步              Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
  10. 手揮琵琶                   Play the Pipa
  11. 左摟膝拗步               Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
  12. 進步搬攔捶               Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  13. 如封似閉                   Apparent Closing
  14. 十字手                       Cross Hands
  15. 抱虎歸山                   Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
  16. 肘底看捶                   Fist Under Elbow
  17. 左右倒攆猴              Left and Right Repulse Monkey
  18. 斜飛勢                       Slanting Flying Posture
  19. 提手上勢                   Raise Hands and Step Up
  20. 白鶴亮翅                   White Crane Spreads Wings
  21. 轉身擺蓮                   Turn Around Lotus Kick
  22. 彎弓射虎                   Shoot Tiger with Bow
  23. 進步搬攔捶              Step up, Parry, Block and Punch
  24. 如封似閉                   Apparent Closing
  25. 十字手                       Cross Hands
  26. 收勢                          Closing Posture


Yang’s Taichi 85 Forms Routine

  1. 預備勢                        Preparation Posture
  2. 起勢                            Starting Posture
  3. 攬雀尾                        Grasp Bird’s Tail
  4. 單鞭                            Single Whip
  5. 提手上勢                     Lift Hands and Step Up
  6. 白鶴亮翅                     White Crane Spreads Wings
  7. 左摟膝拗步                 Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
  8. 手揮琵琶                     Play the Pipa
  9. 左右摟膝拗步              Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
  10. 手揮琵琶                   Play the Pipa
  11. 左摟膝拗步               Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
  12. 進步搬攔捶               Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  13. 如封似閉                   Apparent Closing
  14. 十字手                       Cross Hands
  15. 抱虎歸山                   Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
  16. 肘底看捶                   Fist Under Elbow
  17. 左右倒攆猴              Left and Right Repulse Monkey
  18. 斜飛勢                       Slanting Flying Posture
  19. 提手上勢                   Raise Hands and Step Up
  20. 白鶴亮翅                   White Crane Spreads Wings
  21. 左摟膝拗步              Brush Knee and Twist Step
  22. 海底針                       Needle in the Sea
  23. 扇通背                       Fan the Back
  24. 翻身撇身捶              Turn Around and Flip the Fist
  25. 進步搬攔捶               Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  26. 上步攔雀尾               Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
  27. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  28. 雲手                          Wave Hands Like Clouds
  29. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  30. 高探馬                       High Pat on Horse
  31. 左右分腳                   Left and Right Toe Kicks
  32. 轉身左蹬腳               Turn and Kick with Left Heel
  33. 左右摟膝拗步            Left and Right Brush Knee and Twist Step
  34. 進步栽捶                   Step up and Punch Downward
  35. 翻身撇身捶               Turn Around and Flip the Fist
  36. 進步搬攔捶               Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  37. 右蹬腳                       Kick with Right Heel
  38. 左打虎                       Left Tame the Tiger
  39. 右打虎                       Right Tame the Tiger
  40. 回身右蹬腳               Turn, Kicks with Right Heel
  41. 雙峰貫耳                   Blast Opponent’s Ears with Both Fists
  42. 左蹬腳                       Kicks with Left Heel
  43. 右轉身右蹬腳            Right Turn, Kick with Right Heel
  44. 進步搬攔捶               Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  45. 如封似閉                   Apparent Closing
  46. 十字手                       Cross Hands
  47. 抱虎歸山                   Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
  48. 斜單鞭                       Diagonal Single Whip
  49. 野馬分鬃                   Wild Horses Part Mane
  50. 攬雀尾                       Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
  51. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  52. 玉女穿梭                   Fair Lady Works with Shuttles
  53. 攬雀尾                       Grasp Bird’s Tail
  54. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  55. 雲手                          Wave Hands Like Clouds
  56. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  57. 下勢                          Low Posture
  58. 金雞獨立                   Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg
  59. 左右倒攆猴              Left and Right Repulse Monkey
  60. 斜飛勢                       Slanting Flying Posture
  61. 提手上勢                   Lift Hands and Step Up
  62. 白鶴亮翅                   White Crane Spreads Wings
  63. 左摟膝拗步               Left Brush Knee and Twist Step
  64. 海底針                       Needle in Sea
  65. 扇通背                       Fan the Back
  66. 轉身白蛇吐信            Turn Around, White Snake Spits Tongue
  67. 搬攔捶                       Step Up, Parry, Block and Punch
  68. 攬雀尾                       Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
  69. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  70. 雲手                          Wave Hands Like Clouds
  71. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  72. 高探馬帶穿掌            High Pat on Horse with Piecing the Palm
  73. 十字腿                       Cross Kick
  74. 進步指襠捶               Step Up, Punch the Groin
  75. 上步攬雀尾               Step Up, Grasp Bird’s Tail
  76. 單鞭                          Single Whip
  77. 下勢                          Low Posture
  78. 上步七星                   Step Up, Seven Star Punch
  79. 退步跨虎                   Step Back and Ride the Tiger
  80. 轉身擺蓮                   Turn Around Lotus Kick
  81. 彎弓射虎                   Shoot Tiger with Bow
  82. 進步搬攔捶              Step up, Parry, Block and Punch
  83. 如封似閉                   Apparent Closing
  84. 十字手                       Cross Hands
  85. 收勢                          Closing Posture